Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Best light mayonnaise

Duke's Mayonnaise is the best. I grew up with Blue Plate and Kraft Mayo but over time I have found that you just can't beat Duke's Mayonnaise for flavor.

I had always been one to turn my nose up at low-fat versions of mayonnaise because I felt that giving up the calories was not worth what I sacrificed in flavor. My choice was just to use less. That worked sometimes.

But, I recently tried Duke's Light Mayonnaise and I can honestly say for the first time, that I just can't tell the difference. I am shocked and a little freaked out by my discovery but I use this light mayonnaise in everything and I like it just as well! When I have the choice between the regular Duke's and the light, I will use the light every time -- half the calories and all the flavor? There is no decision. I reach for the light.

Why is it so important to me right now? It is the season for tomato sandwiches. A few days ago I tried the light mayo on a home-grown tomato sandwich (from my garden) and it was wonderful. Thanks Duke's. You have made my summer lunchtimes treats healthier and every bit as good.

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